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This is the First Post

 Hi Thought I should start by saying Hi and Hello This is my very first post on this blog and for those of you from the future who might have been scrolling on my blog to find the first post... This is it! So let me introduce myself The Missing Driver This is my second username and id I kept and used (once in a while nowadays) since 2006 back when I was in Australia.  The very first time this name appeared was in the MSN Messenger. If ever somewhere in this world of internet, you might have known me from this name, hello again. It has been a while Throughout my years, I have travelled and stayed in Australia, Asia, and Europe. But one thing that has been following throughout my life is the internet. I always find myself exploring the internet and everywhere on the internet with the most random topics. And now, I feel the need to share it out here. The Missing Driver does not have a direct meaning when I first came up with the name. Through my rough memory, it meant to me the model cars